Overbearing grounded download
Overbearing grounded download

overbearing grounded download

Honor is to be given to parents, regardless of whether or not the parents deserve it (Exodus 20:12 Matthew 19:19). However, if the parent ruled by fear from a child’s earliest memory, there is no trusting relationship upon which to build.Ĭhildren are instructed to obey their parents, even when they are overbearing or controlling (Ephesians 6:1 Colossians 3:20). Parent and child can navigate through disagreements and teenage hormones without killing each other. When children are nurtured from infancy and taught with gentleness and consistency, the parent does not need to be overbearing.

overbearing grounded download

When family members embrace humility with each other, discussions replace arguments. In the church and in the home, mutual submission to the needs and wishes of others is the foundation for healthy relationships. Submission is a recurrent theme throughout the New Testament (Ephesians 5:21). One of those guidelines is mutual submission. While the Bible does not address overbearing or controlling parents directly, it does offer some guidelines to help children and parents create healthy relationships. Fearful that their children will make mistakes, some parents keep too tight a rein on their children, often causing those children to rebel. Some parents, in attempting to do this, become overbearing and overly controlling. Parents are instructed to bring up their children in the nurture and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

Overbearing grounded download